

Google SEO tips

Search Engine Optimization aka SEO is a marketing method. But it has many shades. Every digital marketer is aware about SEO and its different shades. Today I am going to share the types of SEO and categories of SEO along with their usage in digital marketing. We can generate amazing results for our business or marketing platform such as website, blogs and mobile apps by using different types of SEO.
Majorly SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has three types and four major categories which are:

On-Page SEO
On Page SEO refers to the actions taken inside website or at website backend. It majorly includes website/blog/app optimization & analysis. While doing On-Page SEO webmasters and marketers synchronize their work to get better results in SERP (Search Engine Result Page). On-Page SEO includes both content and source optimization and analysis.
On-Page SEO Checklist
Off-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO aka Off-Site SEO refers to actions taken outside of your own website or blog to impact the website rankings within search engine results pages. Off-Page SEO works like a helping hand and create website strength for website or blogs. Majorly it refers to website promotion on multiple platforms. Often people get confused it with link building but off-page is not just building backlinks for website. It’s a method of creating website strength and gaining visitors by creating engagement on multiple internet platforms.

Off-Page SEO Checklist
Local SEO
Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best methods for you if you have a product for local audience. Since the internet revolution has started every market need digital marketing. It is an incredibly effective way to market your local business online. It helps businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the exact time they’re looking for them online. Local market’s are reaching out to customer by different methods and creating their own kind of customer type.
Local SEO plays a very important role in your business. Local search engine optimization aka Local SEO is similar to standard SEO. If you are into service industry and wanted to reach more people then you should design better SEO strategies for local business. You have to follow few steps to boost local SEO for your business.

Local SEO Checklist
White Hat SEO
According to its name, White Hat SEO refers to the techniques which strictly adhere to search engine guidelines. It is the combination of guidelines and skills to get rankings on SERP. If we practice White Hat SEO, then the results stays for longer period of time. Until there’s any update on search engine algorithm or parameters or you mistakenly do something wrong, website results are safe. It’s not easy to loss rankings gained by doing White Hat SEO. All the major types of SEO provide better results with White Hat SEO. It includes writing relevant, quality and useful content which is providing quality results to website visitors. Sharing or promoting content on social media channels for better exposure.

Black Hat SEO
Exact opposite of White Hat SEO, black hat is a method which doesn’t adhere to search engine guidelines. It is a combination of strictly not recommended techniques. It may be possible that ranks would reflect early but the risk is so high. Even it has an extra risk of getting the website or blog banned from search engine or get it de-indexed from search engine index. Black Hat SEO include practices such as keyword stuffing, paid backlinks, cloaking, Pagejacking, White/hidden text, use of PBN (Private Blog Networks).
Grey Hat SEO
Grey Hat SEO is the method which fall in-between white hat and black hat SEO techniques. It is the smartest way of doing SEO by using black hath techniques by landing in Search Engine Guidelines. For example spin or slightly altered content, link exchanges and paying users for posting positive reviews.

Negative SEO
Negative SEO is a method which is done for other websites or competitors. It includes the blackhat techniques which are performed on other websites or competitor’s websites to bring down their rankings in SERP. Most commonly Negative SEO includes building un-natural links focusing on competitor website. Also posting negative reviews, altering their website content and sometimes hacking their website to modify or delete their content.

Google SEO tips Google SEO  tips Reviewed by Raj Tech Info on May 03, 2019 Rating: 5


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