

How do I get my website on the first page of Google

Though you may not rank first in search engines for now, there is always scope for improvement.

What must you know?

  • Ensure your site is super-fast
Having a website that is too slow can draw negative effects. According to an article at KISSmetrics, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. So, make sure that you have a website where pages are loaded at a super-fast speed.
With the advancement in coding, we get visually attractive websites nowadays that are quick to load on any device. See how to speed up your website.
  • Regularly update your blog with relevant content
One of the best ways to indicate site relevancy is to provide regularly updated content for a website. Having updated unique content can definitely be helpful in drawing Google’s attention towards you.
Google is a platform where people can obtain information. Thus, Google emphasizes on fresh, unique content that people find informative.
So, regularly updating your website blog with the relevant content can ensure a better ranking.

  • Your website must be mobile friendly
In this technologically advanced world, we prefer to gather information from Google using our mobiles or tablets. Why carry a laptop all the time when we have easy access to Google from our phones?
So, it is a mandatory to develop a website that is mobile friendly so that the users can access information on the go.
A website which is mobile friendly is more likely to reach a better rank in Google. Google launched the mobile search algorithm on April 21, 2015. The algorithm was designed to give a boost to mobile-friendly pages in Google’s mobile search results.
Google provides a very helpful tool called Mobile-Friendly Test tool, to check if a website is mobile friendly or not.
  • Target low competitive Keywords
Keyword research is the first most important factor for any SEO campaign.
Nowadays it’s very tough to rank a high competitive keyword, so the better way is to find keywords with less competition.
Low competitive keywords are those keywords that are searched in good volume every month, but lacks competition. Choosing the right keyword helps to draw visitors to your website and in return brings better rankings for you.
With the help of Keywords Research Tools you can ascertain the interest towards your keyword or category and also determine search volumes.

  • Optimize website with keywords
Learn to optimize your website by adding keywords to your site.
  • Keywords in Title
The browser tab and search results show the title of your content. So, creating a title including few keywords or a phrase helps searchers to find your content relevant to their query.
Try to write descriptive and unique title for each page of your website. Keep the title short and simple (within 55-60 characters).
You can use this awesome Tool by Moz to check the number characters of the title.
  • Optimizing URL
It is always better to have keywords in the URL’s that describe your page content. You have the opportunity to optimize your URL for each and every post you publish.
Optimize your URL in a way that you do not get penalized by the search engines for exact domain match filled with keywords.
  • H1 tag:
Header tags commonly known as HTML header tags are used to improve the search engine ranking for your website.
The most important heading tag is H1 tag that specifies the content of your page and should be used only once for a web page. H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6 are sub heading tags that are not as important as H1 tags.
Search engines emphasizes upon H1 tags over other headings and if used correctly along with other SEO techniques can yield the best results and improve your Search engine ranking.

  • Meta Description:
It is a short summary about your page so that users can learn about the content of the page instead of making rough ideas from your title.
The meta description should not be irrelevant. Users should be able to relate the title to the description. You must keep the meta description short and without exceeding 155 characters.
  • Image alt tags:
Providing alt tags or alternative text tags to images not only makes it accessible to the user but also informs the search engine about your page.
The image alt tags and file names should contain keywords, so that search engines can identify your content as keyword enriched.
These are the ways to optimize website with keywords. Learn from the optimization methods above and get your optimization on the right track.

  • Use keywords in the content naturally
According to Google’s guidelines – “Think about the words users would type to find your pages, and make sure that your site actually includes those words within it”. So, put your important keywords in the body of the content naturally.
Keep in mind that, the content should be natural and should not be stacked with keywords. The content should be written in plain simple words that the users find it understandable and is readable. Spread knowledge on the given subject to the users so that they find it really useful and come to you again.
  • Build only quality backlinks
SEO gained its importance with the emergence of Google and backlinks have become the primary reason behind the success of SEO.
Backlinks also known as inbound links helps to determine the popularity of your website. Google, gives more credit to websites with decent number of quality backlinks, and considers those websites to provide more relevant search results than others for a search query.

  • Be active on social media
A great amount of traffic can be drawn from social media. It is important to create social friendly and informative articles to draw people towards your website utilizing social media platforms.
  • Facebook Ads – What I love best about advertising on Facebook is that there is such a degree of control for targeting and retargeting. It also has a huge user-base and an easy to set up conversion pixel for your site.
  • Twitter for Business – Once a more niche player in the business, Twitter has been getting more and more attention. It’s ads business is also attracting more attention at the same time. On the one hand, you can go for smaller promoted posts or if you need, a more expensive trends campaign that will generate huge results.
  • Reddit Advertising – Reddit is a little different regarding advertising. Because the site gives people a place to gather for just about every niche under the sun, your ads might take on a different feel than other social media networks. But at the end of the day, it’s a wonderful avenue for engagement and conversions.
  • LinkedIn Ads – This choice is especially good for B2B marketing or if you have a funnel aimed at professionals. In recent years, we’ve seen the sites advertising branch mature and begin to offer some decent choices for your sales funnel.
  • Pinterest Ads – And finally, Pinterest. The site skews very heavily toward certain demographics, notably female and DIYers. Yet, there’s big potential here in presenting your brand in an easily shareable way.
  • Follow Google’s guidelines
Google is your boss and hence you need to go as per the guidelines of your boss. Any kind of unethical means to get to the top will have negative impact on your website and Google might flush you out for your unethical and illegal activities. Follow the guidelines and make it to the top ethically.
Now you know the most efficient & effective ways to rank a new website. If implemented correctly, you might just land your website on the first page of Google search.
NEIL PATEL& SHERICE JACOB have created a step-by-step plan for you to follow over the next 30 days. For each day you are going to be given one task, as well as a homework assignment. If you follow it step by step, you should be able to drastically increase your traffic.
Before we get started, you need to first learn how to build the right foundation by choosing keywords that are going to help you versus ones that will just drive traffic that doesn’t convert.

How do I get my website on the first page of Google How do I get my website on the first page of Google Reviewed by Raj Tech Info on May 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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