

What are the resources to find Google seo tips

No matter what niche market you are in, it’s extremely important to know your audience and what type of content they want. This will help with SEO and ranking for long tail keywords that your audience is likely typing into Google.
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Also make sure you niche down as much as possible, as this is where you are going to find opportunity and be able to potentially establish your site as an authority and trusted resource for information.
If you want to improve your site’s SEO and make your content better than what’s currently out there, it’s all about the content creation and content promotion plans you have for your site. These are the two most important things to remember.
CONTENT CREATION - Only create great content that provides real value and is better than what’s currently already out there. Google your competition, see what type of content they have, then create something better and be sure to include stats and visuals when possible.
CONTENT PROMOTION - With over a billion active websites and blogs online, there is already way too much content out there. Without the necessary content promotion, your site is just going to get lost in the mix. You need to continually promote your content to new audiences.
To better explain all of the above and how you can use such methods to increase traffic on your own site let’s cover the many components that go into a great marketing and branding plan to grow a website or blog. Not only will content creation come into play, it’s also how much effort you put into your content promotion as well.
In the world of blogging, this can be done in a number of ways.
We are currently using the following methods to increase traffic, back links and exposure to our sites:
  • High quality blog content, case studies and tutorials
  • Social media to connect with new audiences and share blog content
  • The creation of shareable content like info graphics
  • Guest blogging and article contributions on other sites
  • Creating expert round ups of other top bloggers and industry influences
  • Getting interviewed on other podcasts and running a podcast of our own
If you implement these tips into your own marketing and content creation efforts you should see continued success.
What are the resources to find Google seo tips What are the resources to find Google seo tips Reviewed by Raj Tech Info on May 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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